June 30, 2007

My first comment is from the lovely author of three-eggs-plus-one. Thankyou! It made my morning! Her blog is right from the start of her allergy diagnosis you should check hers out too and help her through the first hurdles of being gluten free.

Saturyda mornings are a sleep in. I wait impatiently all week for it. That glorious feeling of turning off the alarm and going back to sleep. When I finally wake up though, I usually late for something and need to dash.


Grilled cheese and tomato on rice cake.
Sound crazy? Where's the toast? Bah! Gluten free bread isn't all that great in general anyway, and not the great for you. The rice cakes are different to bread (well duh) and it's not the same. But that's good! The toasted rice cake smells like popcorn and is a tasty crunchy vessel for fresh tomato and a slice of your favourite cheese. Any topping you like can go on, just watch the goopiness factor.

The rice cakes need to be carefully watched to avoid overcooking which leads to charcoal and possibly fire (I'm not kidding). One blogger suggested using the toaster with a finger ready of the eject button. No thankyou! I like my toaster and don't want a groggy me setting parts of it on fire every Saturday. My grill is key to this (though I think Americans call it a broiler? I've never known if that's true....)

I'm off to eat and play in the glorious Saturday air, cupcakes, but try this simplest of all recipes. And relish the lack of gluten hangover afterwards!

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