January 16, 2009


Originally uploaded by moonshae
Today is the end of my first week of the bento challenge and I think I did pretty well. My bento's weren't pretty in the way they can be traditionally, I have no desire to cutes-ify my lunch. And they were also a little repetitive. When I was eating them I didn't notice, but when I look back on my photos for the week (also getting used to doing that and not feeling like a freak who takes photos of her pre-packed lunch) I think it was a little.
Pictured is yesterdays lunch, which was very tasty. Tasty enough to share even if it was entirely leftovers.
In the divided tier there is the previous days snacks that I didn't want at school as it was uber hot and I was very busy. A slight alteration was the addition of a Laughing Cow cheese which made the mochi move to the other container. Nothing horribly interesting there.
On the bottom tier is dinner leftovers (eaten cold) with some rice, some green beans, mochi and Chicken & Chorizo hotpot the Boy made. OMG is that stuff good!
Recipe can be found at http://www.cuisine.com.au/recipe/Chicken-and-chorizo-hot-pot
Tonight I'm going to freeze some and see how that works.

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