August 8, 2007

Review: Healtheries Simple Macaroni and Cheese

I was in a pathetic mood the other night. I wanted comfort food. I whined at The Philsopher for a hamburger and chips, something, anything, some comfort food that would make me feel happier. And now I'd have the added benefit of maybe not feeling better but at least falling asleep for around 13 hours so I wouldn't notice feeling bad.

Luckily The Philosopher was very against this plan. He'd had enough of my cranky, bratly behaviour on the gluten challenge and is extremely keen to avoid further instances of it. Which is good because before then he didn't think my allergy was that bad but now he's more militant about it than I am!

Mac and cheese is comforting and the Simple pack was less than $3. The cheese sauce was a little weird as it wasn't that garish yellow we've all come to expect from macaroni and cheese. The pasta wasn't too shabby either - tiny tubes of potato and rice flour pasta. The taste? Kind of like carbonara sauce without the bacon or pepper. The Philosopher, who doesn't like macaroni cheese, liked it more than I did, though I still ate 3/4 of the pack. I like that fake cheese flavour of mac and cheese and cheese flavoured corn chips. *sigh*
But Simple Mac and Cheese is great. Especially if you have some bacon and pepper around for some quick carbonara.


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